Tanisha Says: Dear Tensed Girlfriend, in every relationship,fights and arguments do happen but that doesn't mean the love has started deteriorating. This is the major problem leading to break ups. Sit back and relax dear! Think with calm mind. The major cause of your fights on baseless things must be misunderstanding.Make up a list in your mind what causes these misunderstandings. Do you to talk and text at timings not suitable for him? or does he do that? Much similar issues must be leading to fights. Try to find out the reason. Understand your partner at all times.Discuss it together what causes this misunderstanding and Experience the change in your relationship Good Luck! You can further read an article on Understanding to know more about how important Understanding is in a relationship.
Pranay Says: Why are you Tensed? The solution lies in your question itself. When the thing is baseless, why discuss?Stop then and there. and when argument starts, Switch off both of yours EGO. EGO has no place in any relationship. When you both start an argument, its not necessary every-time that some one has to win. Come to a point where you both agree each other. Accept it. Dont let EGO hinder the loveliness in your relationship.See, dear,when you love him and when he loves you, why be sad the entire day.Try to make each other normal after your fight, if it occurs! Try to meet up.Look into each other's eyes. Spend some time in silence with each other.Sweetness will be back.No more EGO, no more fights. God Bless!
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