commitment if we go to see is a very strong word hence generally people don't agree for it.its a very subjective concept in itself.some believe in it that too strongly and some do not believe at since i am writing lets see it from my point of view....
i personally believe commitment is needed in a relationship.yes it is definitely needed when you are in love.this is how i think "if you say you are in love and if you are not ready to commit what does it mean?it clearly means you don't TRULY LOVE that person....i agree you love him/her but not TRULY.....because if it would have been true love you wont be so hesitant in being committed" what say??????
if a relationship is an open one just think,from the beginning you know that you are not going to end up being together.than how can you give your 100% to the relationship.just think.i don't understand why people don't want commitment.guys commitment is the thing that makes a relationship stronger,better and long-lasting.believe me.i know it.
i think commitment is the soul of a relationship.what about you????

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