A relationship is one of the most beautiful thing one possesses! Being in a relationship, you enjoy all the happiness in the world when being in the arms of your loved one. Relationship is sustained on many pillars. Out of which, understanding is one of the most important pillar of the relationship. You need to understand the partner's situation, its condition and then take any decision you are taking. Understanding makes the relationship strong! When you understand the partner's need, you get more affection from your partner. When you understand the care, and don't interpret it as a interference then you get in return the love you demand. Understanding each other before taking any big decision in your life is a must or then the relationship may end up abruptly breaking down both! Understanding plays a crucial role in the relationship as and when you understand your partner, you understand his/her love for you. Understanding reflects the mental maturity of yours and this is the soul behind successful relationship. Keep some techniques to know the partner's situation. Discuss it and follow it. As for example, if one of the partner is busy, and when the other calls, keep it a technique that whenever he/she cuts the phone, then he/she must be busy and directly send the message that i understand and you need not worry! Will call you back later on! Some words do affect the relationship. Speak the way that gives relief to the other person and he/she can carry her work. Mind it. Call back as soon as you are free! Understanding is both ways! Understand your partner and make the pillar strong so that you never face any problem in your relationship. Show your love in the form of understanding and you will see the sweet fruits in the form of long-lived relationship.
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